Vocal Coach LAX VOX®️Voice Artistry

Online Courses in English or German
Vocal coach

I am such a LAX VOX® LOVER! This method is so effectiv, so easy to use, so good for your voice.

And also for Voice Training - including sounds for different STYLES. So in the LAX VOX® INSTITUTE by Stephanie Kruse we designed courses for you -

In the LAX VOX® Institute I offer different courses:

1. VOICE ARTISTRY WORKOUTS - 45min weekly in monthly packages


3. September 2022 starten wir mit dem deutschen 12 Wochen Kurs:  DER WEG DES KÜNSTLERS nach Julia Cameron. Voice Care und Kreativität - finde Deinen Weg als Sängerin - lege deine Kreativität frei, geniesse sie, lebe sie!!!

Find out all about it - and:



LAX VOX® can be used in all genres.

In our LAX VOX® Voice Artistry offerings, we provide you with inspiration on how to use LAX VOX® to achieve your vocal goals in your musical genre. In addition, we show you how to work on specific sounds and vocal patterns that make up yo


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